City seminar “Education of the future – the reality of today: the development of STEM education in a secondary school” on the basis of secondary school № 6 of Saran city

City seminar “Education of the future – the reality of today: the development of STEM education in a secondary school” on the basis of secondary school № 6 of Saran city
April 10, 2019, according to the Plan of work on the dissemination of experience, the creative team of Nazarbayev Intellectual School took part in a seminar on the theme “Education of the future – the reality of today: development of STEM education in a secondary school” organized at the base of School No. 6 of Saran for teachers of the secondary schools of the city. For the participants of the city workshop, meetings were held in the “Foresight – Session” format: talk show “I-TV6 School Television”, “Atauly Kunder” Studio, Young Chemist and Young Biologist Research Laboratories, I-TV6 School Television. Studio “NEWs”, game forms of education “Educational quest”, dedicated to the Day of Astronautics IT-festival, start-up projects competition, FRESHideas conference in TEDx format. At this seminar, school students demonstrated a high level of preparation, subject and creative enthusiasm. The participants of the seminar, working in groups on the Foresight Session strategy, discussed various methods for developing STEM education in a secondary school, shared their impressions and ideas on the implementation of STEM Education, as well as projects of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, introduced into the school. The creative group of Nazarbayev Intellectual School has been marked by the good organization of the workshop, and professionalism in the school teachers. The seminar participants also got a great impression from what they saw at the seminar and expressed their gratitude to the organizers for a useful and interesting experience.