AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” in the upbringing process

AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” in the upbringing process

On April 13, 2019 secondary school No. 77, with the support of the city department of education of Karaganda, held a city training seminar for secondary schools “Disseminating the experience of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” in the educational process of the school. The seminar was attended by vice principals for upbringing work and class managers of the Oktyabrsky district: schools number 8, 13, 17, 34, 35, 36, 40, 54, 61.65, 73, 74, 76, 82; complex boarding school №68, lyceum №53, gymnasium number 9 and 95.
The workshop participants were familiarized with the methods and ways of organizing the upbringing process in accordance with the renewed content of education. The participants of the seminar were presented ways to implement key events and social projects of the educational system of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, introduced in the educational process at school No. 77. They told about the implementation of the research project “Tugan elge tagzym”, as part of the “READx” project, students of primary school staged a fairy tale, talked about the work on the project “Book – the source of knowledge” – “Bookcrossing” – a new volunteer movement into the world of the book” about raising civil responsibility through participation in social projects “Public Service”. The results of the work on the Wikipedia project, which is the basis for the formation of national and cultural values for schoolchildren, were also presented. The master class “Z-generation “TEDx” in the format “Ideas worth spreading”. The guests of the seminar also got acquainted with the ecological halls of the school prepared in within the republican project “Eco-challenge”. At the closing of the seminar, the participants thanked for the opportunity to see the results of the school’s upbringing work as part of the implementation of the NIS experience. The administration and teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual School noted a good level of organization and holding of the seminar, high-quality training of all the events presented, expressed their gratitude and wished further success to the teaching staff of school No. 77 in bringing up a new decent generation: patriots of their country, competitive specialists, responsible citizens, creative individuals and successful people.