Шаңырақ «Сарыарка»

There are 43 students in our shanyrak during the school years 2017 and 2018.

Shanyrak’s motto:
«Білім үшін келдік біз,
Бәрін де біз жеңбекпіз.
Бірлігі бар ел озады,
Бірлігі жоқ ел тозады».
We can reach for the stars all together. Our shanyrak is friendly and filled with the happiness. Older students are always ready to give their hands to those who are younger in order to  prevent academic obstacles.

We have some golden principles which sound  « be together on shanyrak hours, morning meetings and school events ». Students have a chance to use their knowledge and show their talent, not only in shanyrak hours,but  also in school events we show our power.